Who I am as a coach is largely about my style but there are a few basic descriptions that can help...consider me your “soul’s personal trainer and your spirit’s cheerleader.” I am on your team. I am pushing you, I am supporting you. I am helping you to develop your strengths and unique gifts and working with you to overcome weaknesses and struggles. When you make a great play, I am proud of you and celebrate with you. When something goes awry, I’m there to help you see what’s going on, what is at the root of it, and how we can improve it for the future.
What is the difference between a therapist and a life coach?
There are similiarities and some big differences. My teacher Dr. Martha Beck, describes a life coach as a counselor for people who don’t need therapy. “A life coach is to a therapist as a personal trainer is to a doctor.”
- Coaching is forward-focused. In my work with clients, obstacles may arise that are rooted in the past, and we will take a look at those and move through them. We focus on moving forward vs. focusing on or dwelling in the past.
- Coaches can relate, which leads to a different type of relationship. I do not have to keep my experiences out of our coaching sessions. I will be transparent, open and honest with you about what I’ve experienced as well as what I notice for you. This allows you to feel supported, heard, and not alone.
What can clients expect from a life coach?
Coaches push. I am not going to just listen. I am going to truly question you and help you make changes. Together we will work on what could be holding you back from the peace you are looking for. As your coach I WILL NOT tell you what you should do, but rather ask powerful questions in an effort to find the answers that always LIE WITHIN.
As your coach, you can expect me to:
- Be a partner as you learn to listen to your own guidance system and allow yourself to come back home to your true self
- Provide a safe environment in which we can relax and explore together in this journey
- Respect the confidentiality of the agreements we make
- Expand your view of what is possible and promote discovery of new insights
- Give you input, straight feedback, and operate as a sounding board
- Listen carefully to what you say and ask powerful questions that increase your awareness
- Be an on-going resource for you
What is expected of the client?
In addition to scheduled phone sessions, you will receive one or more of the following; pre-work, homework, excercises, and/or assigned reading. Just as with anything in life, the more you put into doing the work, the more you will get out of it and the faster you’ll get to where you want to go.
I expect that you, as my client will:
- Be open and authentic
- Take responsibility for creating value and results for yourself
- Be open to my feedback and keep me honestly informed as to what is and is not working for you
- Take ownership for your own progress and your accomplishments
- Keep your regularly scheduled appointments
- Understand that coaching is not advice giving, psychotherapy or counseling